
Getting Your CVS Flu Shots


Updated Aug 2021

The Coronavirus pandemic has made it even more critical to get your flu shot this winter. You don’t want to run the risk of getting both viruses, and it will help to prevent the flu virus from spreading so widely in the community, protecting those who are more vulnerable.


Which flu vaccines are CVS and MinuteClinic offering ?


At their pharmacies CVS and MinuteClinic are offering –


  • Quadrivalent flu vaccine
  • Fluzone High-Dose for the 65’s and older

How can I organize my flu shot at CVS or MinuteClinic ?

To arrange your flu shot at CVS or MinuteClinic you need to –


  • locate a CVS pharmacy or a minute Clinic
  • if booking online, you’ll need to digitally provide the necessary information and consent beforehand
  • schedule an appointment online
  • walk into a CVS or MinuteClinic for a flu shot without a booking

Locate a CVS pharmacy near you


The CVS store locator is on their website here – the tool is in the main navigation menu.

To find a MinuteClinic you can use the locator on the website here.


Book a flu shot appointment online


To book an appointment for a flu shot at a CVS pharmacy near you, go to their website and make an appointment here.

You can book an appointment with the CVS mobile app – the CVS app is available on their website here.

When you book an appointment, you will also be asked to fill out a questionnaire and consent form for a screening prior to getting your booking, and to also provide your insurance information.

You can book an appointment at a MinuteClinic on their website here.

You will see the link to make an appointment for a flu shot in the center of the page.


Walk in flu shots at CVS Pharmacies ?


You are welcome to walk in and ask for a flu shot at both CVS pharmacies and at the MinuteClinics.

How much is a flu shot at CVS without insurance ?


If you are not insured, flu shots at CVS cost –


  • Seasonal flu vaccine -$31.99
  • Fluzone high-dose flu vaccine for seniors – $51.99

Does Medicare cover flu shots at CVS ?


You can get one flu shot per season covered by Medicare if you are –

(a) enrolled in Medicare Part B, and 

(b) you get the flu shot from a medicare-enrolled provider who accepts assignment

CVS fulfills the Medicare criteria, so you can get a flu shot for free from CVS and will not have to pay either your deductible or coinsurance.

CVS will bill Medicare directly.

Remember to ask the CVS pharmacist to forward the flu shot information to your primary care doctor so that your records may be updated.


Why is it so important for seniors to get flu shots ?


Who is at the greatest risk from catching the flu ?  –


  • seniors
  • children less than 5 yrs old
  • individuals suffering from certain existing health conditions


The flu related statistics for the elderly are particularly bad –


  • 9 out of 10 “flu-related deaths” in America are people aged over 65 years old
  • 6 out of 10 “flu-related hospital stays” in America are people over 65 years old


One of the best measures you can take to prevent and protect against this, is to get a yearly flu shot.

The flu vaccines are available in both a normal strength dose and a high strength dose, which is typically recommended for the elderly.

The source for the statistics is: NCOA Center for Benefits Access – “Vaccines: What Medicare pays for” which you can find and read here.


For the elderly, several factors increase the risk of serious illness caused by the flu virus –


  • elderly adults become more susceptible to catching the flu virus as they age
  • the older an elderly adult is, the greater the chance they may develop serious complications if they catch the flu virus
  • underlying health conditions can increase the risk of even greater complications from the flu virus
  • elderly adults are the demographic the most likely to have underlying health conditions


Underlying conditions which can increase the risk of complications from the flu virus include –


  • heart disease
  • asthma or COPD
  • diabetes
  • liver disease
  • kidney disease
  • a compromised immune system


We should all be getting a flu shot to slow the community spread of the flu virus this winter to help protect the vulnerable in our community.

What other vaccines are available at CVS pharmacies ?


The following vaccines, in addition to the flu vaccine, are available at CVS –


  • Cholera vaccine
  • Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis vaccine
  • Hepatitis A vaccine
  • Hepatitis B vaccine
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine
  • Japanese encephalitis vaccine
  • Measles, mumps, rubella, (MMR) vaccine
  • Meningococcal (meningitis) vaccine
  • Pneumococcal (pneumonia) vaccine
  • Polio vaccine
  • Rabies Vaccine
  • Typhoid vaccine
  • Zoster (shingles) vaccine
  • Varicella (chicken pox) vaccine

To find out more you can take a look at the CVS page on vaccinations on their website here.


Does Medicare cover Flu shots at Costco


Medicare will cover one flu shot per flu season with a Medicare-enrolled provider who accepts assignment, for those with Medicare part B.

Costco fulfills the above criteria, so there is no deductible or coinsurance to pay, and no out-of-pocket payments either -the flu shot is free.

Costco will typically bill Medicare directly.

Just remember to ask the pharmacist to forward the information of the shots to your primary care provider.


How much is a flu shot at Costco without insurance ?


Without insurance, flu shots at Costco cost –


  • Afluria or Flucelvax quadrivalent flu vaccines (members and non-members) – $19.99
  • Fluad high-dose flu vaccine for seniors – $46.99


Does Medicare pay for flu shots at Walgreens ?


Medicare will cover you for a flu shot at Walgreens if you are enrolled in Medicare Part B, and you have not already had a flu shot in that flu season.

Walgreens is Medicare-enrolled and accepts assignment, so the flu shot is totally free, and you will have no deductible, no coinsurance, and no out-of-pocket payments to make.

Walgreens should bill Medicare directly.

And ask the pharmacist to pass on the information about the flu shot to your primary care doctor.


What does a flu shot at Walgreens cost without insurance ?


Flu vaccines at Walgreens without insurance cost –


  • quadrivalent flu vaccine – $31.99
  • high dose flu vaccine – $54.00


Does Medicare cover flu shots at Walmart ?


If you are enrolled in Medicare Part B, flu shots at Walmart pharmacies are covered by Medicare, so long as it is your only flu shot of that season.

As Medicare-enrolled providers who accept assignment Walmart will bill Medicare directly, and there is no deductible or coinsurance to pay.


What does a flu vaccine at Walmart cost without insurance ?


If you don’t have insurance, a flu vaccine at a Walmart pharmacy will cost you –


  • quadrivalent flu vaccine – $25.00
  • high dose flu vaccine (this is for 0ver 65’s) – $48.00


Does Medicare cover flu shots at Rite Aid ?


Medicare covers one flu shot per flu season if you are enrolled in Medicare Part B and you get the flu shot from a Medicare-enrolled provider who accepts assignment.

Rite Aid  fulfill the criteria as a provider, so it follows that you can get a flu shot there, for free, and have no deductible or coinsurance to pay.

Remember to ask the pharmacist to forward the flu shot information to your primary care doctor for your records.


Without insurance, what does a flu vaccine at Rite Aid cost ?


If you don’t have insurance, a flu vaccine at Rite Aid costs –


  • quadrivalent flu vaccine – $31.99
  • high dose flu vaccine – $60.99

I’m Gareth, the author and owner of Looking After Mom and Dad.com

I have been a caregiver for over 10 yrs and share all my tips here.

Gareth Williams

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