
How To Find And Buy Used Medical Equipment Near Me On Nextdoor.com ? A Quick Illustrated Guide


Nextdoor is a free online social media platform which connects people with their neighbors. Nextdooor has become a very popular place to buy and sell items in the local neighborhood – you can also get a lot of information, services and even get alerts when there are emergencies etc. in your community.

It is a very easy way to find and buy used home medical equipment in your local area.

Buying used medical equipment near me on Nextdoor


You will need to be a member to see the listings in your neighborhood.

So, to do a search for used home medical equipment for sale, or for free, on Nextdoor, simply go to their website – nextdoor.com

To sign up, you just fill out the form that you will see in the image below, and sign up – it is all free.



Members can just log in – the login button is shown in the image below by the green arrow in the top right-hand corner.



To log in, just enter your email and password.


The Nextdoor website homepage will now load. It is very similar in look to Facebook.

In the menu on the left-hand side of the homepage, you will see one of two menu tabs –

  • a menu tab “For Sale & Free”
  • a menu tab “Finds”

Some people have the “For Sale and Free” tab, and others have the “Finds” menu tab,  they will both take you to the same page with all the listed items.


See the two images below.


Next, you need to click on the “For Sale & Free”, or “Finds” menu tab (whichever one of the two you have), and this is going to load the “All Listings page”, which is where all the items which are for sale, or free are listed.
The menu in the left-hand sidebar will now have changed, and will have a number of filters, one of which is the “Free” filter, and this allows you to see all the free listings in your neighborhood.
The items are all clearly listed either with a dollar amount, or if they are free, they are marked as “free”.
That is all shown in the image below.
There is another a filter in the sidebar which expands the search to a broader local area, so you can widen the search. 


If you find an item that you want to buy.

I have selected an item below.


To get a better look at the item you want, click on the listing thumbnail image, this will load the listing page with a larger image, and a “Message seller” tab.

So, if the item is what you are looking for, click on the “Message seller” tab.

It’s all indicated in the image below.

(if it isn’t what you want click


Clicking on the “Message seller” tab, a pop-up window will open, which you can see below.

1. You can type a message to the seller in the “Enter a message” field

2. You can send yourself an email copy of your message by selecting, with a click, “Email me a copy of this message” in the bottom left-hand bottom corner of the pop-up window.

3. You can click on the “Send” tab in the bottom right-hand corner.

Now, you just have to wait for the seller to get back to you.

There are no guarantees when you buy on used equipment on Nextdoor.com

There is no guarantee that the items are safe when you buy equipment from private individuals on social media platforms, and you are buying these used items at your own risk.

With Nextdoor.com there is the factor that you cannot join without giving your correct address, so this should limit the number of nefarious individuals who can join, but you still need to be careful. And I have seen TV reports, where they say it is safer to buy and sell on Nextdoor.com, but I haven’t seen any actual data to back this up.

Nextdoor.com does have a “Seller Code of Conduct”, and members can be reported to them 

“While Nextdoor does not assume responsibility for the risk of transactions, members may report sellers who violate this code of conduct. If you feel that a member has violated this code of conduct, we encourage you to reach out to them via private message to resolve your concerns. If that doesn’t work, you can provide feedback about your experience to the Nextdoor Support team”

You can read the full text here on Nextdoor.com – https://help.nextdoor.com/s/article/Best-practices-For-Sale-Free?language=en_US

With regard to the actual integrity of the medical equipment you are buying, you have no idea whether it is safe and to use, whereas buying used medical equipment from a reuse center, which refurbishes the equipment, is entirely different.

Typically, the refurbishing is done within State guidelines, and the equipment will have been sanitized and checked for safety. You can always ask a center if they have done this with an item, or if it is just something they were donated and are passing along to a new user.

A reuse center will typically state if they have refurbished and checked the equipment for faults, or if they are simply passing it on “as is” and will not be held responsible for any breakages, or injury, related to that piece of equipment.

The equipment pick up


With regard to  picking up any used medical equipment you find for sale on Nextdoor.com, it is a good idea, as with all these online platforms where you do not know the seller, to have someone else go with you.

Don’t let sellers that you don’t personally know deliver to your home, especially if you have an elderly loved one living there.

It is best to arrange a meeting at a mall or in the center of your town or village.

Stay Safe !!


Where else can I buy used medical equipment online near me ?

You can also find free used medical equipment locally online on –


  • eBay.com
  • Craigslist.com
  • Facebook.com
  • usedHME.com

Where can I find used medical equipment online near me for free ?

You can also find free used medical equipment near on a number of other online platforms –


  • Facebook groups and Marketplace
  • Freecycle.org
  • Usedhme.com
  • Craigslist.com


I have quick illustrated guides, just like this one, on how to get free used medical equipment on each of the above online platforms. Just click on the links below to get to them –


“How to get free medical equipment near me on Facebook ? A Quick Illustrated Guide”

“How to get free medical equipment near me on Freecycle.org ? A Quick Illustrated Guide”

“How to get free medical equipment near me on UsedHME.com ? A Quick Illustrated Guide”

“How to get free medical equipment near me on Craigslist ? A Quick Illustrated Guide”

I’m Gareth, the author and owner of Looking After Mom and Dad.com

I have been a caregiver for over 10 yrs and share all my tips here.

Gareth Williams

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