While looking after my mom and dad as their caregiver and researching my numerous articles, I have managed to wade my way through the world of different types of toilet seats, the secure and the not so secure.
Raised toilet seats come in six main types –
- temporary seats which do not have any type of bolt, lock or bracket attaching them to the toilet bowl or seat
- seats which lock onto the toilet bowl – side locking or front locking models exist – for medium term use
- seats which are bolted onto the toilet itself, which are suited to long term use by the elderly and the disabled – examples being “risers”, “tall seats” or “seats with spacers”
- raised toilet seats with legs which slot onto the toilet bowl
- safety frames with elevated seats, which are placed over your toilet, but do not attach to it – ideally suited to the elderly and disabled for long term use
- bedside commodes which can be used over a toilet – very solid and ideal for long term use for the elderly and disabled
The last four types of raised toilet seat are the most secure, and the best suited to long term use for the elderly and the disabled.
In this article I will go through all the different types, their best uses, advantages and drawbacks, and which seats are best suited to the elderly.
As well as, all the classic raised, or elevated, toilet seat types, there are also different models of multipurpose bedside commodes which can be used as raised toilet seats. I will outline those with their different use scenarios as well.
CONTENTS - Overview & Quick Links
What is a raised toilet seat ?
Who should use a raised toilet seat ?
How high should a raised toilet seat be ?
What is the highest raised toilet seat ?
Raised toilet seats which lock on to your toilet
- Raised toilet seats with side fixings and front bracket
- Clipper seats
- Front locking raised toilet seats
- Raised toilet seats with legs
Raised toilet seats which bolt on to your toilet
Bedside commodes as raised toilet seats
Types of bedside commodes which can be used as a raised toilet seats
- 3-in-1 or All-in One bedside commodes
- Drop arm bedside commodes
- Transport or rolling commodes
- Shower chair transport commodes
How much does a raised toilet seat cost ?
Where to buy raised toilet seats ?
Features to consider on a raised toilet seat
How to choose a raised toilet seat ?
How to sit on a raised toilet seat after a hip, or knee replacement ?
Best raised toilet seats for a hip replacement ?
- best raised toilet seats for elderly adults who may be more frail due to age
- best raised toilet seats for fitter younger seniors who have no mobility issues aside from the new hip, or knee replacement
What is a raised toilet seat ?
A raised toilet seat is a device which elevates the height of a toilet seat, to reduce the distance a person has to bend down to sit on a toilet, or to stand up from it.
Raised toilet seats either attach to the toilet in some way, or they are incorporated into a freestanding frame, which is placed over the bowl of an existing toilet.
Who should use a raised toilet seat ?
Anyone who is having difficulties sitting on a toilet should use a raised toilet seat to avoid any accidents.
The standard toilet seat is around 15 inches, from the floor, which for individuals with mobility problems is typically too low to make sitting down and standing up easy, safe or comfortable.
Elderly adults frequently use some form of a raised toilet seat due to a reduced lack of muscle strength as they age.
Often individuals who suffer with the following health conditions will also need to use a raised toilet seat –
- arthritis
- spinal conditions
- obesity
- Parkinsons
- hip replacement surgery
- knee replacement surgery
How high should a raised toilet seat be ?
A raised toilet seat should be high enough that when the user sits, their hip is no lower than the middle of the back of their knee, especially if it is for someone who is recovering from a hip replacement.
A raised toilet seat should also not be so high that your feet are dangling in the air, as this can cut off the blood supply, causing the feet to go to sleep, and can lead to falls when standing back up.
If you want to know all the ins and outs of how high a toilet seat should be, I have a post all about how to measure and calculate that, here – “How High Should A Raised Toilet Seat Be ?”.
Most raised toilet seats or risers, which fix to the toilet, come in a range of fixed heights from 2 to 6 inches, with a few models having an adjustable height of 2 to 6 inches.
What is the highest raised toilet seat ?
The tallest seats which attach to your toilet will be 6 inches in height, so they will add 6 inches to whatever the height of your toilet is.
The tallest freestanding raised toilet seat which you can use over a toilet is the OasisSpace Stand Alone Safety Frame and Raised Toilet Seat, which has a maximum seat height of 27.5 inches.
You can also use certain bedside commodes as raised toilet seats, and the tallest of these is the Platinum Health’s GentleBoost Uplift 3-in-1 Commode and shower chair, with a maximum seat height of 25 inches from the floor.
If you are specifically looking for a very tall form of toilet seat, raised or otherwise, I would take a look at this article of mine which deals specifically with that subject, “What Is The Highest Raised Toilet Seat ?”
Types of raised toilet seats
Toilet seat bowls can be split into two main types –
- standard or round shaped toilet seats
- elongated toilet seats
So, this means that you will find that there are raised toilet seat models may fit –
- only elongated toilet bowls
- only standard toilet bowls
- both if they are universal fit
Typically, in the US, the standard toilet bowl is 16 1/2 inches deep, and the elongated seat is 18 1/2.
If you want to know how to measure your toilet, you can find out in my article “How to measure for a raised toilet seat ?”, along with illustrations and diagrams on where to measure.
Temporary raised toilet seats
The more temporary raised toilet seats have no locks, brackets, fixings or bolts to attach them to your toilet seat.
These seats do not require the removal of your toilet seat and generally come in a range of heights – 2 inch, 3 inch, 3 1/2 inch, 4 inch, 5 inch and 6 inch.
If you want to check any weight capacities of raised toilet seats of virtually any type, I have an article of over 180 raised toilet seats, where I list the seat name, manufacturer, model number and the weight capacity – “Raised Toilet Seat Weight Capacities: over 180 examples”.
Let’ take a look at the different types, starting with the simplest.
Bubble seats (this is not an official name for these seats)
Bubble seat raised toilet seat
Bubble seat raised toilet seat - underside
Bubble seats are the most basic of seats which attach to the toilet bowl, and look like big white donuts.
The seats are attached by simply placing them on the rim of the toilet bowl, and giving a good hard push.
Bubble seats –
- slot over the rim of the toilet bowl, and have an inside edge or rim which typically goes a small distance into the bowl to give some grip and to stabilize it
- quite a few models have “sticky grip pads” to help the seat from slipping
- this type of seat has no fastenings on the side or clamps
- a few of these seats have a lip or flange at the back of the seat slotting under the bowl’s inside rim to reduce movement and to stop it from tipping forwards off the toilet, if the user leans too heavily on the front edge
- there is usually one model for elongated toilets, and one for standard toilets
- most of these seats do not have a lid
I would really think twice about using a seat like this for a very elderly person, especially without any kid of grab bar or rail.
Examples of this type of seat are –
By the way, if you just want to know what raised toilet seats cost, I have an article – “How Much Does A Raised Toilet Seat Cost ?”– which gives a brief outline of the different types of raised toilet seats and then lists the prices of over 70 models both in the US, and in the UK.
Clip-On raised toilet seats
Clip-on raised toilet seat - topside
Clip-on raised toilet seat - underside
Clip-On raised toilet seats –
- clip onto your toilet seat
- the raised seat is squeezed and slotted into the inside rim of your existing seat where it clips on as it is released
- held in position through tension
- there is no type of fixing, such as a lock or a bolt, holding them to the toilet seat
- these models don’t come with any form of armrests or handles
- clip-on seats are made in fixed heights of 2 – 4 inches
Some examples of this are –
Clip-on seats are more of a temporary solution for someone who has good balance, and doesn’t need any kind of frame or armrests to help them up, or down from the seat.
I have seen them suggested as a portable solution that you take with you when you are staying in a hotel or someone else’s home where there is no raised toilet seat available.
Personally, I wouldn’t have my 90 yr old mom using one of these seats, as she needs something to hold on to.
Raised toilet seats which lock onto your toilet bowl
Seats with side fixings and a front “bracket”
Side locking raised toilet seat with lid
Side locking raised toilet seat without lid
Side locking toilet seat installed on a toilet
Raised toilet seats with side fixings –
- has two plastic bolts or clamps, one on each side of the seat, towards the rear for securing the seat
- a lip at the front, called a “front bracket” by some brands
- are not height adjustable, and come in heights of 2, 3, 4, 41/2, 5 and 6 inches
- can be bought with, or without, lids
- don’t come with armrests or handles
- some are for all toilets sizes
- some are for elongated toilets
- some are for standard toilets
- all have their own different weight capacities
I bought a seat of this type for my mom before her hip replacement surgery at 88 yrs old, but when we tried it, we found that it still moved all over the place.
It was when I tried this type of seat, that I became aware of how difficult an elderly person might find it to use a seat without handles or armrests.
Examples of raised seats using this system are –
Clipper seats
Clipper raised toilet seat
Clipper raised toilet seat with armrests
Clipper raised toilet seat - underside
There is actually only one brand that makes these seats, but they are markedly different from the other types – Clipper seats.
The clipper seat –
- installs very quickly once the toilet seat is in the upright position
- the raised toilet seat sits on top of the toilet bowl rim
- has an inside edge which drops several inches into the bowl
- has four plastic clips which grip the outside of the toilet bowl when pushed in, exerting equal pressure from four points around outside the toilet bowl
- on the models I, II, III they do not have armrests
- the models IV and V come with armrest
- VI and VII come with armrests and legs
Clipper seat on a toilet
The examples of these seats are –
Front Locking raised toilet seats –
Front locking raised toilet seat
Front locking raised toilet seat with arms
Front locking raised toilet seat clamping mechanism underside
Front locking raised toilet seat on a toilet
Front locking raised toilet seats –
- lock to the toilet bowl at the front of the seat
- at the back of the seat there is a small lip which slots under the rim of the bowl of your toilet
- the seats come in heights of 4 or 5 inches
- a lot of the models come with armrests or handles, which can be adjustable and removable
- in general, these seats are for all toilet shapes and sizes, as they only clamp to the front of the bowl
- the weight capacities vary according to the different models, but they are amongst the stronger seats which attach to the toilet bowl
- are not accompanied by a lid
The fact that all of these seats come with armrests or handle, in my opinion, makes them a better option than the bubble seats, the clip on seats or the side fixing seats.
I think they are almost as secure as risers with armrests.
I would though suggest that they would be easier to use, for an elderly person, if you have a grab bar on the wall right next to the toilet.
Some examples of this type –
Raised toilet seats with legs
Raised toilet seat with legs
This is a raised toilet seat which is wider than the toilet bowl, and has 4 legs.
The seat is resting on both the toilet bowl and on the legs.
The design stops any wobbliness, gives a wider distance between the armrests for a larger person, and makes the seat more sturdy in general.
The main points –
- the legs have to be adjusted to the height of the toilet bowl
- the seat itself adds about 4 1/2 inches in height to the toilet on most models
- depending on the brand the raised seats may attach differently to the bowl, but with four legs there is no real risk of it coming off
- these raised seats can take greater weight than those without legs and are more stable
Definitely more solid than the seats without legs, and armrests are a lot easier for an elderly person to use, and as I have seen with my own mom, when a seat has legs it gives the person more confidence when using it, as there is no problem with the seat moving around.
Some examples of raised toilet seats with legs –
Raised toilet seats which bolt onto your toilet
Toilet seat risers
Hinged riser
Risers are the only type to go under the toilet seat, instead of going on top like all the other types.
Risers are basically an oval, or round, ring of dense plastic which is fitted under your toilet seat –
- the seat is removed
- and the riser is placed on the rim of the bowl
- the seat is placed on top of the riser
- the holes are all lined up and everything is bolted down again
- risers sometimes come with a hinge so that you can lift them and clean underneath
Alignment of a riser toilet seat, lid and toilet
Risers depending on the model can come with, or without armrests, and those which do have armrests are often wider than other types of seat.
Risers are either for standard or elongated toilets, so always be sure to find out which shape your toilet is.
Risers are available in heights from 2 to 4 inches.
Due to how they are bolted to the toilet along with your seat, risers are very solid.
The models with armrests will help elderly loved ones who have problems with mobility, stability and sight impairments to sit down.
Riser with armrests
Riser installed on a toilet under the seat and lid
Some examples of these risers are (all the risers have a maximum weight capacity of 300 lb) –
“Tall seats” or “Seats with Spacers”
Spacer raised toilet seat with lid
Spacer raised toilet seat without lid
Seats with spacers or “tall seats” are simply like your existing toilet seat, but they have little legs or spacers on the underside of the rim of the seat to hold it up higher.
To use one, you just unbolt your existing toilet seat and replace it with the raised seat using the same bolt holes and the new nuts and bolts which came with the raised seat.
- you can get the different models in 2 inch or 3 inch heights
- these are available with or without toilet lids
- the seats as well as coming standard or elongated models, the seats can come with or without an opening at the front to facilitate wiping
- the seats don’t have any armrests or handles
The fact these seats are bolted to the toilet in exactly the same way as a normal toilet seat, means that they are stable, and they are not so high that they would be wobbly in any way.
Spacer raised toilet seat installed on a toilet
I do think, though, that if I were getting this for an elderly person, such as my mom, I would still want something on the sides of the seat and on the wall for them to hold onto.
Example of these seats are –
Elevated toilet seats with safety frames
Toilet safety frame with elevated seat
Toilet safety frame with elevated seat placed over a toilet
Safety frames with a raised toilet seat are four legged frames with armrests, a back rest and a raised seat incorporated into the frame.
There is no risk of these coming off the toilet, as they are not on the toilet.
The frame is placed over the toilet, and the seat is above the toilet bowl.
The toilet seat and lid are placed in the upright position, and the safety frame and seat are then placed over the toilet, with the legs being on either side of the toilet.
- some safety frames have the seats as high as 26 inches from the floor for taller people
- the frame legs take all the weight of the user’s body
- the legs of the frames are height adjustable and will typically have spring-loaded push buttons like crutches, which you push in to adjust the height until the button pops out of the hole corresponding to the chosen height
- safety frames have large armrests as well as backrests
- these are designed to fit over all normal toilets
- the weight capacity does vary between models
- for larger individuals there are bariatric frames with raised toilet seats, usually made in steel
- the frames come in aluminum and steel
- most do not come with a toilet lid
The safety frame with a raised toilet seat is, in my opinion, a very good choice for the more elderly adults with mobility and balance issues –
- the armrests are large and easy to use
- it’s virtually impossible to fall off
- it won’t come off the toilet
- for heavier individuals, there are stronger steel framed models
Some examples of frames are –
Bedside commodes as raised toilet seats
This is my mom’s personal choice of raised toilet seat, and we have had it in our bathroom now for over 20 months.
The commodes have large armrests, back rests, and the height can be adjusted.
You just have to remove the bucket, or pale, and place the commode over the toilet, once you have the toilet seat in the upright position and the legs at the correct height to clear the toilet bowl.
As, the legs are adjustable, you can change the height to fit different circumstances.
For larger individuals there are tall, bariatric or heavy duty, and also extra wide bedside commodes.
Typically, the commode will include one or all of these terms in its title.
If you wish to find out more about the weight capacities, you can just refer to my article where I list over 180 different raised seats, safety frames and bedside commodes with their weight capacities amongst other things – and you’ll find that here – “Raised Toilet Seat Weight Capacity:Over 180 Examples”.
The types of bedside commodes you can use as raised toilet seats
3-in-1, or All-in-1, or portable bedside commodes
These are static portable bedside commodes which have a number of uses, other than just as a bedside commode.
These can be used –
- a bedside commode
- over the toilet as a raised toilet seat
- as a toilet safety frame or rail
The 3-in-1 commodes shouldn’t be confused with a simple foldable bedside commode, they have more functions, are built to be more sturdy, and can hold a greater weight.
To learn more about 3-in-1 bedside commodes, and all their aspects of use, you can read about that in my post “What Is A 3-in-1 Commode ? And What Is It Used For ?”
3 in 1 bedside commode
For larger individuals, you also have Bariatric 3-in-1 bedside commodes. Some such as the model below are not as portable, but can be placed over a toilet as a raised toilet seat for a much larger person – some models will take up to 1000 lb in weight.
3-in-1 bariatric bedside commode
Drop arm bedside commodes
These are bedside commodes which are very similar to a 3-in-1 commode, with the addition of armrests which are not in a fixed position.
These bedside commodes are really designed for wheelchair users and for individuals who are bed bound.
The drop arm rests can be moved out of the way if the user has to slide over to the side, on and off the commode, into a wheelchair for instance, or off and on a bed.
This type of armrest can also be very handy if a caregiver needs access to the side of the person they are assisting, without an armrest being in the way, as they can remove it or move it out of the way.
If an elderly loved one needs help with cleaning themselves, a drop arm can be moved out of the way.
The static drop arm bedside commodes have the same uses as a 3-in 1 commode –
- bedside or portable commode
- toilet safety frame or rail
- over the toilet as an elevated seat
Drop arm bedside commodes
Transport or rolling bedside commodes
Commodes on wheels, transport or rolling commodes have the following uses –
- as a transport chair, which simply means a chair in which you can wheel someone around the home
- as a bedside commode
- placed over the toilet as an elevated toilet seat
For caregivers who are looking after an elderly loved one who has difficulty with walking, these can be very practical as you can remove the commode bucket and then wheel them in over the toilet, once you have put the seat and lid of the toilet in the upright position.
Be careful to pick the correct height commode for your toilet, as some models are not height adjustable.
Always lock the wheels in position when a transport commode is being used as a commode.
Attendant transport bedside commode
Self-propelled transport bedside commode
Shower chair transport commodes
The extra advantage here is that you can wheel the user into the shower, as long as the shower has no step or rim.
These also have multiple uses as –
- a shower chair
- a transport chair in which you can wheel the user around
- a portable or bedside commode
- some can be used over the toilet as a raised seat, but you must check this as not all can, either due to being too low, or to having a horizontal bar which obstructs the passage of the chair over the toilet
Some commode bucket holders also drop a little low, and this can obstruct the passage of the commode over the toilet.
You will always need to check the weight capacities, the heights of the seat and if they are adjustable, or not.
For safety, don’t forget, you should always lock the wheels in position when a shower chair transport commode is being used as a commode.
Attendant shower chair transport bedside commodes
Self-propelled shower chair transport bedside commode
Here are some examples of bedside commodes you can use as raised toilet seats –
Taller toilets
If you are looking for a permanent solution to raising your seat as high as you can, and have the money required, I would look at getting some a new taller toilet.
Taller models of toilet do exist –
- Comfort toilets
- Chair height toilets
- Universal height toilets
- Right Height toilets
All these toilets are taller at 17 – 20 inches from the floor to the rim of the toilet bowl, than a standard toilet by at least two inches.
The tallest of the standing toilets, the Signature Hardware Bradenton Elongated Toilet, has a bowl rim height of 21 inches without a seat, so around 22 1/2 inches with a seat, which is 7 to 71/2 inches taller than a standard toilet.
Wall mounted toilets can be even higher –
The Kohler Veil Wall-hung Toilet K-6303 has a maximum bowl height of 28 1/2 inches from the floor.
If you are looking for this height, do make sure that you get this specific model, as the other Kohler models have to be wall mounted around 5 inches lower, with the highest seat level at 23 inches.
Just be aware that very tall toilets can also have a downside –
- if you suffer with constipation, it can be made worse – being in a lower position is more conducive to passing a bowel movement
- if your feet are not solidly on the floor, your circulation in your legs can get cut off, which may lead to a fall when standing up, as well as being bad for your circulation
While you are looking for raised toilet seats, there is lots more that you can do to make your bathroom a safer place for seniors, or anyone else with mobility issues.
To find out all the different things you can do, to have an instant impact on bathroom safety, take a look here, “54 Bathroom Safety Tips For Seniors – A Helpful Guide”.
How much does a raised toilet seat cost ?
Raised toilet seats can range widely in price, from as little as $15.00, all the way up to $259.00 in the US and the UK the price ranges from £14.00 to £479.00.
The price range above does not include specialist bariatric bedside commodes, which can cost multiple hundreds of dollars, because they have weight capacities from 500 to 1000 lb.
If you want to know more about how much raised toilet seats cost, I have an article with a wide range of models, both in the UK and in the US.
There is also a section about how to find less expensive, and free, used raised toilet seats in your local area.
The article is “How Much Does A Raised Toilet Seat Cost ?”.
Where to buy raised toilet seats ?
Raised toilet seats are easily found at retailers such as Walmart, Walgreens, Home Depot, Lowes and many more, who all have huge ranges of seats, and online you can find them on Amazon and many other specialist retailers.
For lots of information about where to buy raised toilet seats I have an article about the “Where To Buy A Raised Toilet Seat ?”, which outlines the main brands, which stores have the largest selections of raised toilet seats and which brands they carry, and where to get a gently used raised toilet seat.
Features to consider on a raised toilet seat
Features that you want to think about when looking at the raised toilet seats are –
- height – finding a seat at a height which is correct for you
- weight – getting the right weight capacity
- portability – there are some seats which are designed to be used on travel trips and visits, seats which attach to the toilet, and then larger seats with frames which are far more bulky, but easily carried from room to room if needed
- what toilet shape is the seat made for – is it a universal fit, or is it just for an elongated, or round toilet – this does not apply to freestanding raised toilet seats
- freestanding raised toilet seats – do you want a model in a frame, which stands over the toilet
- hinged risers – some risers have hinges which allow you to clean under the seat without unfastening it from the toilet
- what type of locking system you need, or do you want a freestanding model
- armrests – some seats offer armrests which can be of great help to more elderly, frail and visually impaired users
- seat width – seats come in a whole range of sizes on the freestanding models, which is good news for those with larger thighs
- seats for larger individuals often have elongated seats to help facilitate cleaning – this mainly applies to bedside commodes used as raised toilet seats
- padded seats – seats which are not hard plastic are available with padding
- lids – some seats come with lids
If you want to know about the weight capacities of the different types of raised toilet seats, you should take a look at my article “Raised Toilet Seat Weight Capacity: Over 180 Examples”
I have three other post for a larger person which will help you to see what models and sizes are available, you can check out each of these articles here –
“Raised Toilet Seats For A Large Person”
How to choose a raised toilet seat ?
To find an appropriate raised toilet seat for your situation, try asking yourself lots of questions about what it is that you need –
- the seat height you need ?
- what is the weight capacity you need ?
- are there specific features you need ?
- how much space is there for a seat – is there room for a frame ?
- what is the height of your toilet ?
- is your toilet elongated or round/standard ?
- is the user in good health ?
- the age of the user ?
- are there specific medical conditions ?
- is the seat being used during post-surgical recovery ?
- how long will a seat be used for
- is a raised toilet seat needed permanently ?
- are you looking for a permanent solution ?
You are also going to have questions about brands, where to buy a raised toilet seat, and maybe you want to get it covered by medical insurance.
I have written an in-depth article, which outlines all the questions you should be asking yourself, along with a PDF that you can download and print out for free – “How To Choose A Raised Toilet Seat ?”
Asking questions, such as these, should help you to decide what type of seat is appropriate for your personal situation.
Personally, I only like the risers with large armrests, the raised toilet seats with legs, or a frame, to be used by an elderly person.
If you have grab bars right by the toilet then a riser without armrests may be possible, but with very elderly and fragile people, you really need something to hold onto on either side of the seat.
My mom uses a bedside commode over our toilet, and this is super steady and easy to use, and has the great advantage of being easy to move if you don’t want to use it – they are very light and can just be picked up and put elsewhere.
After my mom’s hip replacement she tried different raised toilet seats in the hospital, and at home, all of which locked onto the toilet bowl, and none of those without legs, or without armrests gave her any confidence.
Don’t forget that a walker really does help the elderly to back up to the toilet, to sit and to stand, if they have balance issues, or are recovering from surgery.
If you wish to find out more about using a bedside commode over a toilet, I have a post covering the subject – comparing it with raised toilet seats, how to set it up, cleaning it, and its maintenance – “Can A Bedside Commode Be Used Over A Toilet ?”.
How to sit on a raised toilet seat after a hip, or knee replacement
I do actually have an illustrated article showing how to use a walker to sit on raised toilet seats, both with, and without, armrests, along with a lot of relevant information about other precautions you need to take if you have had a hip replacement. You can find that article here – “How To Sit On A Toilet After Hip Surgery: A Detailed Illustrated Guide”
What is most important, is that you learn how to sit down, and stand up properly, immediately after your surgery.
On arrival at home the individual who has had the surgery, and the caregiver, need to know how the sitting on the toilet, and the getting up from the toilet are done, as this is the best way to avoid injury.
Remember to use a walker to back up to the toilet for both sitting down and then standing up, as it will allow you to transfer your weight correctly without injuring your hip, or knee.
Before you have your surgery, you may want to discuss with your doctor what type of seat they recommend for you to get.
Now in my mom’s case, she had her surgery at 88 yrs old, and we decided to get her the bedside commode, as we felt she would need all the support that came with that.
We also received instruction, at the hospital, in how to sit down and stand up, after the surgery, and which helps to avoid any injuries.
My mom was also advised to use a walker to help her back up to the seat before sitting down so that she could transfer her weight from the walker to the bedside commode armrests, and from the commode to the walker when standing up.
You should be getting all the guidance from your surgeon’s team.
A few last points to remember –
- the two strongest types of raised toilet seat which use a frame, the bedside commode and the safety frame with a raised toilet seat, both offer nice big armrests and can be removed from over the toilet, in a flash, if you have guests
- a riser which is bolted on, between your toilet seat and bowl, and will take some effort to install, and then quite some time to remove – you can’t just lift it out of the way to remove it when guests arrive
- if you are stuck, between picking a 3-in-1 commode or a safety frame with a raised toilet seat, do think about the backrest – safety frames don’t have one, so if you lean back you will be resting against the underside of your toilet seat …. hmm…
Before you have your surgery, you may want to discuss with your doctor what type of seat they recommend for you to get.
Now in my mom’s case, she had her surgery at 88 yrs old, and we decided to get her the bedside commode, as we felt she would need all the support that came with that.
We also received instruction, at the hospital, in how to sit down and stand up, after the surgery, and which helps to avoid any injuries.
My mom was also advised to use a walker to help her back up to the seat before sitting down so that she could transfer her weight from the walker to the bedside commode armrests, and from the commode to the walker when standing up.
You should be getting all the guidance from your surgeon’s team.
Best raised toilet seats after a hip replacement ?
The best raised toilet seat for after hip surgery for an elderly person is a 3-in-1 bedside commode placed over the toilet, an elevated toilet seat with safety frame, a raised toilet seat with legs, a riser.
I actually have written an extensive article on this subject, which as well as suggesting the best raised toilet seats for the job, with all the reasoning behind my preferences, also includes information about –
- how high your raised toilet seat should be
- who needs a raised toilet seat after hip surgery
- how long you need a raised toilet seat for after hip surgery
- how to select a raised toilet seat
- how to sit on a raised toilet seat after a hip replacement – with lots of illustrations
- what the 90 degree rule for sitting is – with illustrations
- how to use a raised toilet seat and a walker to sit after hip surgery – with illustrations
Here is a link to the article “Best Raised Toilet Seats After A hip Replacement”
I am going briefly this question into two sections, and if you want the full answer you can read the answer which I linked to above –
- best raised toilet seats for elderly adults who may be more frail due to age
- best raised toilet seats for fitter younger seniors who have no mobility issues aside from the new hip, or knee replacement
Best raised toilet seat after a hip replacement, for a frail, elderly individual
As we are all different, and no one seat will adapt to all situations, I have selected what I think are the best models for multiple situations, which I have outlined below –
1) Medline – basic 3-in-1 Bedside Commode
2) OasisSpace Stand Alone Safety Frame and Raised Toilet Seat – two models, one with a padded seat, one with a hard seat
3) PlatinumHealth Ultimate Raised Toilet Seat (safety frames with raised toilet seat)
4) Nova Drop-Arm Padded Commode
5) PlatinumHealth GentleBoost Uplift 3-in-1 Commode and Shower Chair
For larger Individuals –
1) Nova Heavy Duty Drop-Arm Commode
2) Drive Deluxe Bariatric Drop-Arm Commode
Best raised toilet seat for a hip replacement, for a senior who is fit
For a senior who is younger and has good strength and balance, I think the following options are very good quality, sturdy, safe and ideal for the job –
Risers with armrests –
Risers are made for either a standard, or an elongated toilet, they are not universal, so you must pick the correct model for your toilet.
As risers are bolted to the toilet between the seat and the bowl, they are very sturdy, but you still are going to need armrests, so I would only get a model with armrests.
1) Nova 3.5″ raised toilet seat riser with arms (standard)
2) Nova 3.5″ raised toilet seat riser with arms (elongated)
3) Vive toilet seat riser with handles (standard)
4) Vive toilet seat riser with handles (elongated)
5) Vive raised toilet seat with detachable handles
Front locking raised toilet seat with armrests
These models of front locking raised toilet seat are a less sturdy than the risers which are actually bolted to the toilet itself.
If you are going to invest in a seat of this kind, I would suggest that you also install grab bars alongside the toilet so that you have something to hold onto which is actually bolted down.
6) Drive Medical Premium plastic raised toilet seat with armrests
7) Nova raised toilet seat with detachable arms
Best raised toilet seats for the elderly
The best raised toilet seat for an elderly person is a safety frame with a raised seat, a 3-in-1 commode, a raised toilet seat with legs, a riser with armrests, or a plinth under the toilet.
I actually have another article which outlines the best raised toilet seats for elderly seniors – very extensive, with around 20 models of 5 types of raised toilet seats – and information about how to choose.
Here is a link to the article – “Best Raised Toilet Seats For Elderly Seniors: A Detailed Guide With Prices”.
I don’t believe that an elderly adult should use a seat without armrests, so all of these are raised toilet seats with armrests.
So, in brief, here is a list of those raised toilet seats for elderly adults –
1) Medline – basic 3-in-1 Bedside Commode – 350 lb max weight
2) OasisSpace Stand Alone Safety Frame and Raised Toilet Seat – two models, one with a padded seat, one with a hard seat – 300 lb max weight
3) PlatinumHealth Ultimate Raised Toilet Seat (safety frames with raised toilet seat) – 350 lb max weight
4) Nova Drop-Arm Padded Commode – 300 lb max weight
5) PlatinumHealth GentleBoost Uplift 3-in-1 Commode and Shower Chair – 285 lb max weight
For larger individuals where there are no grab bars or support rails, my choices are –
Maddak Extra Wide Tall-Ette ElevatedToilet Seat with Aluminum legs – 400 lb max weight
Maddak Extra Wide Tall-Ette ElevatedToilet Seat with Steel legs – 600 lb max weight
1) Nova Heavy Duty Drop-Arm Commode 8583 – 500 lb max weight
2) Drive Deluxe Bariatric Drop-Arm Commode 11135-1 – 1000 lb max weight
3) TFI Healthcare Wide 3-in-1 Commode with Elongated Seat – 400 lb max weight
For individuals who have no balance issues and don’t feel they need a frame around them, and who weighs under 300 lb –
1) Nova 3.5″ raised toilet seat riser with arms (standard)
2) Nova 3.5″ raised toilet seat riser with arms (elongated)
3) Vive toilet seat riser with handles (standard)
4) Vive toilet seat riser with handles (elongated)
Toilet Plinths
Lastly you can place a Plinth under your toilet to raise it up permanently, but you will need to add armrests, either as grab bars by the toilet, or put a safety frame on the toilet.
1) Toilevator – 500 lb max weight
2) Medway Easy Toilet Riser – 800 lb max weight
Frequently asked questions
Do raised toilet seats fit any toilet ?
A freestanding elevated toilet seat should be able to be place over most toilets, as they typically have a maximum seat height of at least 21 inches from the floor.
Raised toilet seats which attach to the toilet, depending on the particular model, can be for –
- elongated toilets only
- round toilets only
- universal, fitting both types of toilet type
How do you keep a raised toilet seat from moving ?
Do you have the right shaped seat for your toilet ?
There are two shapes or sizes of toilet bowl in the US, round/standard and elongated. Many seats only fit either one or the other, and will not be installed correctly if they are not for your shaped toilet.
Universal seats which attach to the toilet bowl are also widely available, typically front locking models, or the type which have no fixings, which you just push down, and sometimes they will just not fit your toilet properly.
If your seat attaches to the toilet bowl, check that you have attached it properly, and make sure that –
- risers and spacers bolt to the toilet and should not move, but you may have the wrong shaped seat for your particular toilet
- seats which have side clamps or front locking need to be tight, and also have a rim on the back edge of these seats which sticks out, so that it can be slotted under the rim of the toilet bowl behind the seat, stopping the seat from tipping forwards, so make sure that that is in place
The only toilet seats which will not move at all are the freestanding seats which have the seat in a frame, unless of course you have the legs set to uneven lengths –
- safety frames with elevated or raised toilet seats
- 3-in-1 bedside commodes place over the toilet as a raised toilet seat
Can a raised toilet seat be too high ?
If a toilet seat is too high and the user’s feet are hanging in the air, and not flat to the floor, the blood circulation in the legs can be affected, causing the user’s feet to go to sleep, and lead to falls when standing.
Secondly, for those with issues with constipation, a lower seat is more conducive to passing a bowel movement.
What sizes do raised toilet seats come in ?
Raised toilet seats which attach to the toilet come in a range of heights from 1 inch up to 6 inches.
With regard to the size of the toilet bowel shape, you can get raised toilet seats which fit only elongated toilets, only round/standard toilets, and seats which are universal.
You can also buy raised toilet seats in safety frames with standard models, or 3-in-1 commodes, which range in seat height from 17 to 21 inches – which have adjustable legs and are placed over your toilet.
The tallest model is the OasisSpace Safety frame with elevated toilet seats, which have a top seat level of 27 1/2 inches.
What is the tallest toilet seat available ?
The tallest toilet available is a wall mounted toilet from Kohler.
The Kohler Veil Wall-hung Toilet K-6303 has a maximum bowl height of 28 1/2 inches from the floor.
The tallest standing toilet is the Signature Hardware Bradenton Elongated Toilet, which has a bowl rim height of 21 inches without a seat from the floor.
Does Medicare cover raised toilet seats ?
Medicare does not give coverage to raised toilet seats, as they are considered not to be primarily medical in nature.
Certain models of bedside commode are covered by Medicare Part B, for use in the home, with stipulations, and can be used as a raise toilet seat.
When can you use a regular toilet after a hip replacement ?
For those individuals who have been told to use a raised toilet seat after hip surgery by their surgeon – typically for lateral and posterior hip replacements – the precaution will usually be taken for up to 6 to 10 weeks following the surgery.
How does a raised toilet seat help ?
A raised toilet seat reduces the distance a user has to bend when using the toilet.
This not only makes it easier to use the toilet, but can also increase the user’s confidence, privacy and independence, if it allows them to use the toilet alone.
I’m Gareth, the author and owner of Looking After Mom and Dad.com
I have been a caregiver for over 10 yrs and share all my tips here.