{"id":62669,"date":"2021-11-20T16:59:44","date_gmt":"2021-11-20T16:59:44","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/lookingaftermomanddad.com\/?p=62669"},"modified":"2022-07-28T00:27:20","modified_gmt":"2022-07-28T00:27:20","slug":"how-long-do-you-need-a-caregiver-after-hip-surgery","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/lookingaftermomanddad.com\/how-long-do-you-need-a-caregiver-after-hip-surgery\/","title":{"rendered":"How Long Do You Need A Caregiver After Hip Surgery ? A Guide With Recovery Times"},"content":{"rendered":"

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Having been my mom’s caregiver, when she had her posterior approach hip replacement at 88 years old, I know a thing, or two, about what you can expect it to be like, and how much help the patient is going to need.<\/p>\n

After an anterior approach hip replacement, you may typically need help for 7 to 10 days at home with some tasks.<\/strong><\/p>\n

After a posterior, or lateral, approach hip replacement, you will typically need help with many tasks for 2 to 4 weeks.<\/strong><\/p>\n

The reason for this difference, with regard to requiring a carer, is due to the surgical procedures for the posterior and lateral approach hip replacements, which involve detaching tendons and muscles to place the implant in the joint, leaving the hip joint less stable after surgery, for a period of time.<\/p>\n

Because of this instability, the patient has to follow a whole slew of precautions, which are not typically followed after an anterior hip replacement, where the surgery is minimally invasive and far less soft tissue is cut.<\/p>\n

After a posterior, or lateral, approach hip replacement, you are not allowed to bend your hip more than 90 degrees, making numerous daily activities very difficult to accomplish without help.<\/p>\n

You have to take the precautions due to a small risk of a hip dislocation, during the recovery period.<\/p>\n

At the outset, I emphasized the fact that my mom was 88 years old when she had her hip replacement. I did this as the age of the patient has a huge impact on the speed, and manner, in which they will recover,<\/p>\n


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Do I need someone to stay with me after hip replacement surgery ?<\/strong><\/a><\/p>\n