Do you have a portable oxygen concentrator that you wish to donate ? This is one of those pieces of equipment, which, when generously donated, can really have a huge impact in the life of an individual. I would always encourage you to donate your equipment to someone who, for whatever reason, doesn’t have the equipment they need.
The article below is a straightforward list of the variety of opportunities available to you for donating your portable oxygen machine – this includes both organizations, and online platforms where you can donate person to person.
Where to donate a portable oxygen concentrator ? A gently used portable oxygen concentrator can be donated to –
- State Assistive Technology Projects
- state online equipment exchanges
- reuse centers
- community loan closets (state and local) and bikur cholim
- non-profit charities
- thrift stores
- medical equipment refurbishment projects
- faith-based organizations
- local churches
- senior centers
- veterans centers
- private individuals on classified listing websites and social media platforms
Contents Overview & Quicklinks
Donating portable oxygen concentrator to State Assistive Technology Programs
Donating a portable oxygen concentrator to refurbishing and reuse Centers
Donating a portable oxygen concentrator to Centers for Independent Living
Donating a portable oxygen concentrator to Loan Closets
National and international organizations which accept medical equipment donations
Online listing sites where you can donate a portable oxygen concentrator near you
Donating a portable oxygen concentrator in your neighborhood
Organizations near you which may know where to donate a portable oxygen concentrator
Reasons why your portable oxygen concentrator may not be accepted
Donating a portable oxygen concentrator to State Assistive Technology Programs
State Assistive Technology Programs (AT Programs) – are my first suggestion.
The residents of your state are given access to assistive technology devices (includes medical equipment) through the state AT program, the goal of which is to keep improving the access to such equipment.
The more equipment that is donated to these state programs, the greater the access for residents will be.
A state AT Program will usually run the following services, which are open to state residents –
- equipment lending libraries
- equipment exchanges
- demonstration centers
- reuse and refurbishing centers
If you decide to donate your portable oxygen concentrator, it will be cataloged and then redistributed to others who use the AT program to gain access to the equipment that they require.
One of the factors which make this type of program interesting, is the fact that the equipment is going to pass through many pairs of hands, and it will be properly maintained.
The focus of these programs is primarily low income families, disabled individuals and the elderly.
If you wish to learn more about donating to your particular state AT program, click on your state in the list below.
Click on your state to go to your State AT Program website
Donating a portable oxygen concentrator to Refurbishment and Reuse Centers
These two types of center represent another serious opportunity for donating your equipment.
A medical equipment refurbishment centers will happily accept, as the name implies, used medical equipment donations – even badly treated equipment can be used for spare parts.
The equipment will undergo any repairs required, be sanitized, and then found a new home.
A reuse center is somewhat different, in that they do not typically do any refurbishing or repairing of items, and the items are offered “as is”.
On the whole, medical equipment refurbishing centers and reuse centers are run as nonprofit organizations, and will strive to redistribute your donation, to individuals at the lowest possible price, or for free.
To find a center close to you, just do an online search.
Donating a portable oxygen concentrator to a Center for Independent Living
The mission of a CIL is to provide the services which will allow disabled individuals to live independently in the community.
Centers for Independent Living
“provide independent living services for people with disabilities. CILs are at the core of ACL’s independent living programs, which work to support community living and independence for people with disabilities across the nation based on the belief that all people can live with dignity, make their own choices, and participate fully in society. These programs provide tools, resources, and supports for integrating people with disabilities fully into their communities to promote equal opportunities, self-determination, and respect.”
Source :
Obviously, CILs are a very worthy option for your donation.
If you want to donate your portable oxygen concentrator specifically to a person with disabilities, this is where I would suggest you do it.
CILS will have medical equipment loan closets to assist their members, you just need to check, by giving them a call, to see if they a need for your portable oxygen conncentrator.
To find and contact the nearest center to you, go to this website.
Donating a portable oxygen concentrator to community medical equipment loan closets
Medical equipment loan closets are another example of another opportunity for your donated equipment to be loaned out continuously, helping more and more people in the communities in question.
These loan closets, are in the majority, small community affairs run by a band of volunteers, church groups and sometimes supported by local authorities. They play a crucial role in providing durable medical equipment, assistive devices and medical supplies in the form of loans to community members, particularly benefitting those in need – seniors and individuals with disabilities.
Some community loan closets will loan to everyone on a “first come first serve” basis, and others will prioritize those in need.
How to find a loan closet ? –
The simplest way to find loan closets is to do a few targeted online searches, and to talk to a number of specific administrations and charities –
- I like to start by searching for loan closets online with these search terms – “medical equipment loan closet + your location”, “medical equipment lending closet + your location”, “medical equipment lending bank + your location”, or “medical equipment bank + your location”
- for those of you whose online searches did not yield any loan closets, I would straight away contact your county’s Area Agency on Aging. As the county agency responsible for assisting the elderly in accessing services in the community, the Area Agency on Aging must be aware of Durable Medical Equipment loan closets in your area. Use this locator tool to find your county agency – here
- if the Area Agency on Aging didn’t have the answers you were looking for, have a chat with your local human resources or seniors department – they quite often run community loan closets for seniors in particular
- find your local reuse or medical equipment refurbishing centers, and make inquiries there
- Lions Clubs, Rotary Clubs and American Legion Posts – there are small community loan closets, run for the benefit of their community, by these three organizations all across the US, so I would suggest contacting any close to you
To find Lions Clubs in your area, take a quick look at my guide here – How To Find A Lions Club Near Me ? A Very Quick Illustrated Guide
To find Rotary Clubs in your area, take a quick look at my guide here – How To Find A Rotary Club Near Me ? A Very Quick Illustrated Guide
Bikur Cholim or Medical Equipment Gemacht – (Jewish medical equipment loan closets)
These loan closets are run by, and for, the Jewish community.
You can ask at the local Jewish senior center, synagogue, or search online at the Chesed Match website.
National and International organizations which accept donations of a portable oxygen concentrator
To donate your portable oxygen concentrator, locate a store near you and give them a call –
Salvation Army
To donate your portable oxygen concentrator, click on the following link –
To locate your local affiliate to make your portable oxygen concentrator donation, use this link –
The Partnership for Quality Medical Donations
Their website page for donating a portable oxygen concentrator is here –
Project Cure
Their website page for donating your portable oxygen concentrator is here –
REMEDY – Recovered Medical Equipment for the developing World
To donate your portable oxygen concentrator to REMEDY, use this web page here –
Advocates for World Health
The page for donating your portable oxygen concentrator is here –
To donate your portable oxygen concentrator, go here –
Got to the MedShare website to donate your portable oxygen concentrator here –
HERO Healthcare Equipment Recycling Organization
You can find about donating your portable oxygen concentrator on their website here –
The page for donations is here on their website –
Global Links
To donate your portable oxygen concentrator, go to this website page –
Global Mobility USA
You can donate your portable oxygen concentrator at this web address –
Medical Bridges
This is the donation page on their website –
Online listing sites and other social media platforms where you can donate a portable oxygen concentrator near you
This has to be my favorite method for donating; the great advantage being that on online classified listings, and social media platforms, you get to choose in which neighborhoods your advertisement is seen. Which translates into – I can give to someone who lives as near or as far from me as I like.
It’s essential to be cautious and consider these preventive measures when donating online –
- make it evident in your posting/advertisement item description that your portable oxygen concentrator is being donated “as is,” and you are not going to be liable for any issues in the future
- place the safety, privacy and well-being of elderly individuals in your home above all else, and think twice about whether having strangers come into your home for the item pick-up will be unsafe or lead to confusion for older people
- hand over your portable oxygen concentration in a public place like a mall or café, and should you feel vulnerable, ask a friend to go with you
- to keep your personal email free from spam, don’t use it on online classified listings such as Craigslist, but instead just create an email address just for the donation
Online platforms where you can donate your portable oxygen concentrator –
I have short illustrated guides on how to donate new, or used, devices on each one, if you haven’t done this before – – “How To Donate Used Medical Equipment Near Me On Craigslist ? An Illustrated Guide” – “How To Donate Used Medical Equipment Near Me On UsedHME ? An illustrated Guide” – “How To Donate Used Medical Equipment Near Me On Facebook ? An Illustrated Guide” – “How To Donate Used Medical Equipment Near Me on ? A Very Quick Illustrated Guide” – “How To Get Free Medical Equipment Near Me On ? A Quick Illustrated Guide” – No need for an article on this, as there is a very good video showing how to use OfferUp, see below.
Donating a portable oxygen concentrator in your neighborhood
If you prefer a hands-on approach and want to go door to door with your portable oxygen concentrator, your neighborhood may have a variety of good options to consider –
- Local Hospitals
- Emergency rooms
- Thrift stores
- Senior Centers or Elderly Day Care Centers
- Veterans Centers
- Local Retirement Homes
- Churches
- Your local council Seniors’ department
Organizations near you who may know where to donate a portable oxygen concentrator
If you’re still looking for advice, try talking to some of the following organizations –
Area Agency On Aging
For advice on all things for seniors, your go-to place is the Area Agency on Aging. So this is a great place to start and ask about people, or loan closets, who may want your portable oxygen concentrator donation.
Use the Area Agency on Aging locator tool to find your agency – click here.
Social Services
Social Services departments will know of available resources, and are well-acquainted with charitable programs, such as loan closets, so don’t hesitate to contact their offices to get more information.
Faith-based Charities
The Catholic Charities and Society of St Vincent de Paul
In communities throughout the US, the Catholic Charities and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul are running programs helping low-income families, the homeless, refugees, and victims of abuse.
With all their local knowledge, they can offer you advice on where your donation will be most impactful.
To find a chapter of either charity in your area, search “name of the charity + where you live”, on the internet.
Local Town Hall or Chamber of Commerce
As a final step, I suggest going to your town hall and chamber of commerce to inquire about nonprofit organizations and charities dedicated to refurbishing and redistributing durable medical equipment in their jurisdiction.
Why isn’t your portable oxygen concentrator being accepted ?
Possible reasons why your portable oxygen concentrator is being declined –
- it’s worn out
- a used portable oxygen concentrator will have to be sanitized, but not everyone has the means to do it
- there isn’t a valid warranty on used items
- a used portable oxygen concentrator may not align with specific state laws governing the reuse of medical equipment
Tax deductions on donations
Keep your receipt for any donations that you make to any charities, if you are hoping to get a tax deduction – the IRS will require the receipt for the item.
I’m Gareth, the author and owner of Looking After Mom and
I have been a caregiver for over 10 yrs and share all my tips here.